E-commerce is showing no signs of slowing with Online retail expenditure in the UK forecast to grow by 45% in the coming years to reach over £62bn in 2020. The online clothing & footwear market was worth £10.1bn in 2015, meaning that £1 in every £5 was spent online. This goes to show how important your online presence is. Scion Internet e-commerce websites give you the chance to e...
Designing a logo isn’t only about design. There is an equally important element to delivering a project — a strong logo presentation. Chances are that you feel pretty confident with your work, but most of us feel anxious when it comes to presenting it. Logo design is also associated with product placement at a larger scale. It is often the case that even experienced designers lack the necessary...
How do we design the perfect logo? It is highly improbable to create it on the first try. It takes multiple iterations and attempts before the client finally settles on the final one. This scenario is quite typical in all aspects of life. Success and Failure are two facets of the coin. We have seen our share of both, and have utilized the experience for the betterment of humankind. There are also instance...
Starting your first business blog is surely a complicated task. The abundance of information can often confuse a newbie entrepreneur rather than enlighten him. Why? Because the marketplace is everchanging. It changes extremely fast and nobody can “stop it”. Therefore, every blog beginner must understand that developing a blog, successfully, demands smart action. There are many factors that contribute to ...
Let’s say you are driving through a lonesome street at night and you feel your belly grumbling for a quick bite. You notice a light in the distance and start driving towards it only to realise that it is coming from the unmistakable ‘M’ glowing like a shining beacon to rescue you from hunger pangs. Your heart leaps with delight at the prospect of a Big Mac and fries. That’s how important logos...
What’s the most important thing you’re thinking of when designing a logo? You want it to be modern. You want it to be recognizable and memorable. You want it sleek. You want it to evoke the spirit of the brand. Why do logos change? – Because the audience changes. Back in the 1960s, people liked a different type of design from the one we like today. We have proof for that! Let’s dis...
The pace at which the competition has increased in the market lately indicates that you can no longer continue with the old business tactics and achieve grand success. At some point, you will have to come to terms with the current market trend and figure out a way to capitalize on it. Start designing your logo Proper branding of your business can make this process hassle-free! Be...
Designing a logo is no easy task. Your logo is a visual representation of your company. Much like getting you logo designed by a professional, you will need to take into account a few key aspects before you get started. In a way you will have to brief yourself on how to go about it. Here is five key things that you will need to keep in mind before you start designing your logo. Your Target Market ...
Presenting your business to the investors is a crucial part of the fundraising process. Investors make a decision based on the content and information you present and how you present it. The content - both the material and the visual presentation - must be effectively delivered, concise and compelling. Today, you’ll learn the rules of the thumb of powering a cutting-edge PowerPoint presentation to win over your...
Everyone needs a visual representation of their brand or business, regardless of how big or small the realm of your influence extends. That is why logos are such a big deal—they become the symbol by which others imagine your startup or business. Not only is the logo one of the most important graphic design projects your business will ever face, it’s also one of the first tests of your creativity. In order...
So why do you need a black and white version of your logo, Other than just completing your existing logo package, black and white versions of your logo are actually quite useful and used today in many different ways. To understand the concept behind black and white logos, here's a little more reading material about the psychology of black and white logo design. Black and white logos were once very popular wi...
Every once and a while there’s a logo that stands out and makes you go wow. In this article, we’ve decided to show you a few of those logos that really stand out. We will show you why and how these logos are very original and what makes a logo design special. Inspirational logos like these are great for getting ideas of your own. You will see that there is a few recurring tricks that are used to make the ...