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Ai Logo Generation: Changing The Future of Online Logo Design With AI

Ai Logo Generation: Changing The Future of Online Logo Design With AI

Designing and creating a logo is a tedious, cerebral process requiring tens of hours to transform abstract ideas into tangible lines, patterns, and hues. Not anymore! With Artificial Intelligence (AI) slowly (and surely) penetrating every aspect of modern life, designing and creating logos and other visuals has become an effortless and fulfilling journey. To say that AI logo generation has transformed contemporary...

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Why you should try an AI logo generator to create your business logo

Why you should try an AI logo generator to create your business logo

Established brands reached the pinnacle of success with a clear identity. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same with small businesses and startups. Navigating a highly competitive marketplace can be intimidating unless you have a unique logo that encapsulates your brand’s identity, values, philosophies, and mission.   Sadly, making a logo can be an expensive and time-consuming proposition, which ca...

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5 Effective Marketing Strategies for your Construction Business

5 Effective Marketing Strategies for your Construction Business

A clever marketing strategy is crucial, even for a construction business. A marketing strategy doesn't only help you land clients; it can fix many of your business problems.   A successful marketing strategy allows you to gain clarity towards your goal; it will enable the team to focus on that goal and make coordination easier. Besides, it will help you overcome the hurdles that a construction company ...

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What is a responsive logo and why is it important for your business?

What is a responsive logo and why is it important for your business?

It’s undeniable. The sizes of our screens are shrinking, and mobile devices are quickly taking over the global market. The widespread use of smartphones and tablets has created valuable new channels for marketing. But it’s clearer than ever that a one size fits all approach to mobile logo design will no longer cut it in the digital advertising space. Responsive logos solve this challenge.  These...

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How to use photoshop to edit your vector logo in minutes!

How to use photoshop to edit your vector logo in minutes!

When you’re working with graphics, you’ll more than likely find yourself working in Photoshop at some point. Adobe Photoshop is perhaps the most well-known, popular graphic design software in the world and as such, it has been an industry leader for decades. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn how to use. Or that using it is intuitive. Many designers find themselves running into problems w...

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How to Insert Your Logo in Microsoft Word: From Letterheads to Calendars

How to Insert Your Logo in Microsoft Word: From Letterheads to Calendars

  What’s the point of having a great logo if you never use it. It’s one thing to insert your logo on your website, social media, and advertisements, but considering how much business is done with Microsoft Word documents, why not there as well? How do you insert your logo in Microsoft Word?  In this guide, we explain how to insert your logo in MS word, step by step. You can use your logo for l...

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Our step by step guide to building a successful business website for beginners

Our step by step guide to building a successful business website for beginners

No matter your line of business, having an appealing and functional website is a must nowadays. After all, the competition is tougher than ever, partly due to the 2020 pandemic that has forced us to transfer our lives to the Internet. Business owners today need to up their game and invest more effort into building their online presence including using messaging apps for business, such as WhatsApp for Business. Lucki...

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Examples of how to Design a Creative Logo using Multiple Techniques

Examples of how to Design a Creative Logo using Multiple Techniques

There’s good logos, and then there’s great logos. What separates the two? All effective logos follow the same basic graphic design guidelines, but the great ones have that little something extra: creativity. For most people, a creative logo design can make the difference between getting remembered and getting forgotten a few seconds after being seen.  But what makes a logo creative? How can you desi...

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How to design and print custom T-shirts with your company logo

How to design and print custom T-shirts with your company logo

Custom t-shirts displaying your amazing company logo is one great and effective way to bring brand awareness to the next level. We’ve created a guide to outline and whys and how-tos in order to get you started on your t-shirt printing adventure.    Custom t-shirt branding     There are very few occasions where people are not able to wear their favorite comfortable t-shirts. T-shirts a...

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How to design an Amazing and Professional Website

How to design an Amazing and Professional Website

How to design an Amazing and Professional Website Think of your website as your brand’s home on the internet. It can’t replace a social media page because social media pages are, by design, fairly limited in their functionality and serve as more of a communication outlet than a true online home. When people search for your brand, they’re using search engines and trying to find your website for inf...

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10 Best Beauty Logos, what makes them stand out from the rest

10 Best Beauty Logos, what makes them stand out from the rest

Who would trust a beauty brand that looks ugly? Beauty logos carry more weight than just brand recognition — they have to entice customers with the promise of looking good. That’s nearly impossible with a logo that looks bland or uninspired.  If you’re designing a beauty logo, we’ve collected the 10 best beauty logos below. We explain what makes them so successful and discuss three exper...

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How to Create a Custom Company Stamp With Your Logo

How to Create a Custom Company Stamp With Your Logo

Here at Logogenie, we’ve been exploring new affordable tools for logo and branding success for you to take with you in the new year. Many may be taken aback by the idea of using logo stamps for their brand or business, as stamps seem to hold an antiquated implication, but we’re here to tell you why they are important to consider and how they can bring you more business. What are custom com...

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