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10 Best Animal Logos and How to Design Your Own

10 Best Animal Logos and How to Design Your Own

People love animals, so naturally a lot of companies want to include them in their logos. Animals represent the best of us — lions symbolize courage, owls symbolize wisdom, etc. — so instead of using, say, a “clever human” as your mascot, you’ll communicate your brand identity faster and more directly with a fox.    From apparel to social media to sports cars to jewelry, anim...

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10 Best Tech Logos and How to Make Your Own for your company

10 Best Tech Logos and How to Make Your Own for your company

From software to hardware, smartphones to smartfridges, tech companies live on the border between our modern world and the future. And although their tech supports nearly every other business on the planet, the tech companies themselves are distinct from all other industries in their company culture, marketing, and even logo design.    The tech industry is paradoxically both inclusive and exclusive, integ...

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Technology logo template

Technology logo template

Why technology logo templates are trending at the moment Technology logo templates are taking over because in the world we live in, the internet and high-tech technology is a forever growing business. This is why our tech logo templates are sure to please! At Logogenie we have over 3000 high tech icons to choose from. These logo icons are very popular as they suit many different businesses. If you want to give your...

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Color wheel | Using the Color Wheel to find the perfect color combination

Color wheel | Using the Color Wheel to find the perfect color combination

So by now, you know your logo needs to have an eye-catching, on-brand color palette if you want it to connect with your ideal audience. And in other articles we’ve published, we’ve talked about what different colors communicate when they’re used in logos and shown you different ways to combine colors in your logo to create engaging visuals.    But there’s more to choosing a color p...

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10 Best Sports Logo designs and How to Make Your Own

10 Best Sports Logo designs and How to Make Your Own

Like the war banners of old, your sports logo is a rallying call to fans everywhere, during and after the game. Sports logos have to shoulder more responsibilities than business logos — they’re emblazoned on player custom jerseys, fields, scoreboards, and lots and lots of merchandise. In other words, it takes more than just an angry animal to make a good sports logo (although that’s a good start).&n...

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Brands of the world | The world’s most recognizable logos

Brands of the world | The world’s most recognizable logos

  A company’s visual identity can break, make, or help them fly all the way to the top. A company or brand’s logo design is in fact one of the most important aspects of their visual identity. Not only does it distinguish one brand from the other, but it has the potential to enhance how the company performs, influences customer choice, creates loyalty and builds brand value. These are all powerful ...

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Infinity Logo Templates

Infinity Logo Templates

Why not try an infinity logo design Infinity logo designs have become extremely popular today! An infinity symbol has a strong connotation and suits almost all types of business industries. Our recents selections of infinity logo icons have been designed with care. Our graphic designer put a lot of work into creating the next best trend, and the infinity logo design sets are no exceptions. Infinity logo ...

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The Meaning of Colors and How To Use Them With Brand Design

The Meaning of Colors and How To Use Them With Brand Design

When you’re designing your brand’s logo, there’s three big design choices to keep in mind: Shape, font & color. Shape refers to the overall shape of the logo and the shapes used within it, and font refers to the font (or fonts) you choose. Both of these design choices communicate your brand’s personality. Color works right alongside them, adding another dimension of meaning. This is bec...

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Best color combinations to design a logo

Best color combinations to design a logo

Finding the right color combination for you logo is very important. It sets the mood for your branding and helps you stand out from the rest of the competition. When you’re starting you company and you begin to think about what logo you’re going to design. It’s a good idea to study the design style out there and also the type of color combinations which similar companies are using.&nb...

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30 best fonts to design an awesome logo

30 best fonts to design an awesome logo

  When you’re looking for the right font for your logo, the sheer volume of choices you’re confronted with can be overwhelming. The quickest way to cut that volume down and find the perfect font is to go into the search with a clear idea of which kind of font meshes best with your brand.   Choosing the Right Font for your Logo   The right font for your logo isn’t a question of ...

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Apple logo | learn about the History, branding and logo evolution

Apple logo | learn about the History, branding and logo evolution

Let’s play a game. Say or shout the word “Apple”, depending on your current mood. The more energy you have to expel, the louder you should be. After that word leaves your mouth, immediately close your eyes for a few moments.  Now that you’re back, we have one question: are you more inclined to imagine the fruit or the company who redefined so many aspects of our life through technology?&...

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10 Best Food & Drink Logos and How to Make Your Own

10 Best Food & Drink Logos and How to Make Your Own

      From Chef Boyardee to Whole Foods, everyone in the food, drink, and groceries business needs a logo. Whether a cartoon mascot to delight kids or maybe a food pun to delight adults, food and drink logos can make a good impression, improve brand recognition, and even make people a little hungry!    But even if you’re more of a “Little Debbie” than a “Famous ...

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